
Step-by-step procedure for entering the SSAU for foreign applicants

STEP 1. Send the documents to the University (


You need to download and fill in the "Заявление. Application Form".  After receiving a response from an employee of the Institute if International Educational Programs, you need to send the following documents by e-mail:


o   A copy of a passport (pages with photo, date of birth, place of birth, validity of the passport). The validity of the passport of a foreign citizen, according to which a foreign citizen will cross the border of the Russian Federation, must expire not earlier than 18 months from the date of the entry visa.


In the case of a residence permit or other document authorizing the temporary residence of a foreign citizen at the territory of a third state (other than the citizenship of a foreign citizen), this document should also be presented in accordance with the established procedure.


o   Copies of documents on education, indicating the subjects studied and the grades (points) received on them. In the case if a foreign citizen doesn`t have document on foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications because of the specifics of the educational organization in a foreign country, he should present a document containing information on the results of the latest certification, issued by an educational organization in which he studies at the territory of the host country.


o   Confirmation of financial solvency of an applicant.


- If an applicant pays for the training independently, he should provide a copy of a bank account statement issued not later than 7 days before the documents are sent to the University. The applicant's bank account should be at least $ 3000.


- If a sponsor pays for an applicant`s training, he should present a Letter of Sponsorship expressing the obligation to pay for the applicant's training,

- Copy of a sponsor's passport page with the full name and photo,

- Information from the sponsor's place of work, made at an official letterhead of an employer and containing information about the employer, information on the position and amount of the sponsor's monthly income, certified by round seal,


- A copy of a bank account statement issued not later than 7 days before the documents are sent to the University. The sponsor's bank account should be at least $ 3000.


o   Memo for an international student with a date and an applicant`s signature.

Note! It takes 1 – 3 weeks to consider the documents.


STEP 2. Making an electronic visa invitation (only for countries with a visa regime)


For making electronic visa invitation in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide the following information:


o   country of birth

o   city of birth

o   city of permanent residence

o   city of getting visa in which there is an Embassy or Consulate of the Russian Federation

o   full home address


·                     Note!  It takes 40 working days to make an electronic visa invitation.
An urgent invitation is not issued



STEP 3. Receiving an electronic visa invitation and making a student visa (only for countries with a visa regime)

o   The electronic visa invitation is sent to the applicant by e-mail indicated in the form "Заявление. Application Form".

Note! The invitation is necessary for making a student visa at an Embassy or Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country of residence. 

Invitation is not enough to cross the Russian border!



STEP 4. Legalization and translation of documents on education


The documents on education should contain an apostille of the authorized body of the applicant's country of residence (Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministry of Justice), and should also be translated into Russian and legalized in the Consulate of Russian Federation in the country of residence of the applicant.


Note! Passport and foreign documents on education (diploma and application) should be translated into Russian and notarized before arrival at the University.



STEP 5. Confirmation of arrival at the University


It is important to confirm your arrival at the University 2 weeks before the start of the training, otherwise your application for admission and the hostel reservation will be canceled!

You will receive the address of the hostel by e-mail after confirming your arrival, indicating the date and time (preferably an e-ticket).



o   It is necessary to come to the Saratov SAU by the time of the admission tests (the dates of the admission tests and the date of the training beginning are indicated at the website;

o   Do not buy tickets until you receive an electronic visa invitation (for countries with a visa regime);

o   You can arrange medical insurance upon arrival at the University to receive medical care at the clinic.



Upon arrival to Russia


STEP 1. Registration at the territory of the Russian Federation


In the customs control zone you need to obtain a migration card with a stamp on arrival in the Russian Federation. It is necessary to save the migration card until the next crossing of the border.

On the arrival day or the next day (exception: days off), you should come to the department for organizational work and socialization of foreign students (Saratov, Teatralnaya Ploschad, 1, room 376). You should have the following documents:


1. Original passport

2. Original of the migration card marked "STUDY"



o    All foreign citizens arriving to Russia should submit documents for registration to the department for organizational work and socialization of foreign students (Saratov, Teatralnaya Ploschad, 1, room 376) within 3 days after crossing the Russian border. In case of late submission of the documents, an applicant should pay an administrative penalty in the form of a fine of 5,000.0 rubles and will be deported from the Russian Federation!

o    All foreign citizens should extend a student visa or registration one month before the end of their expire dates.




Institute of International Educational Programs

Working hours: 9.00 - 17.00

Address: Saratov, Teatralnaya Ploschad,1, room 384

Tel./fax: +7 (8452) 23-73-94


Department for organizational work and socialization of foreign students:


Working hours: 9.00 - 17.00

Address: Saratov, Teatralnaya Ploschad,1, room 376

Tel./fax: +7 (8452) 23-73-94

