
Finance-Technological College

High quality of education, the use of modern educational technologies are the most important advantages of Finance-Technological College. It provides training of highly qualified, competitive and career-focused specialists who are capable of performing their work effectively and adjusting to rapidly changing professional and social environment.

Our college provides:

Programs of secondary vocational education.  During the course students acquire practice-oriented skills in the most popular specializations:


38.02.01 Economics and Accounting (by industry)

 Duration of study: 2 years and 10 months - Basic training

 Qualification – Accountant

 Training formats:Full-time on the base of the Higher school certificate /Part-time on the base of the Certificate of secondary (complete) general education


38.02.01 Economics and Accounting (by industry)

  Duration of study: 3 years and 10 months - Advanced training

  Qualification – Accountant, tax specialist

  Training format:Full-time on the base of the Higher school certificate


 19.02.08 Technology of Meat and Meat Products

  Duration of study: 3 years and 10 months - Basic training

  Qualification – Technician-technologist

  Training formats:Full-time on the base of the Higher school certificate /Part-time on the base of the Certificate of secondary (complete) general education


 19.02.03 Technology of Bread, Macaroni and Confectionery Products

  Duration of study: 3 years and 10 months - Basic training

  Qualification – Technician-technologist

  Training formats:Full-time on the base of the Higher school certificate /Part-time on the base of the Certificate of secondary (complete) general education


19.02.10 Technology of the Catering Trade

  Duration of study: 3 years and 10 months - Basic training

  Qualification – Technician-technologist

  Training formats:Full-time on the base of the Higher school certificate /Part-time on the base of the Certificate of secondary (complete) general education


19.02.10 Technology of the Catering Trade

  Duration of study: 2 years and 10 months - Basic training

  Qualification – Technician-technologist

  Training formats:Full-time on the base of the Certificate of secondary (complete) general education or the Diploma of primary vocational education


Ο   Professional Retraining

Ο   Advanced Training

Ο   Individualized Education Format


     Today our college has a modern educational, scientific and technical base which includes: the academic building with 26 cabinets, an assembly hall, a museum, a gym,Library Information Center, Methodological Resource Center, a cafeteria andpublishing house. There are 18 laboratories: technological laboratories, laboratories of information technologies and multimedia means of education, information-analytical laboratory. We also use the University`s multifunction sport centre including swimming-pool, volleyball and basketball courts, specialized university laboratories. Practical training is realized with the assistance of partner enterprises.

     At the disposal of Finance-Technological College students there are Library Information Center and modern reading room equipped with computerized working places.General library fund counts more than 70,000 volumes and subscription to different newspapers and magazines includes more than 40 titles.In the framework of the global strategic development, «irbis 64» program was implemented. It allows toautomatize all the key library processes.Our college has access to suchElectronic Library Systems as ZNANIUM.COM and IPRbooks, which are available to each teacher and student from any part of the world.

     Students of our College can find outlets for your creative abilities in student clubs and societies, such as the vocal circle (solo, choir), the choreographic circle, literary circle,and comedy clubs.

     Students of the College may be engaged in the various sections, such as darts, mini-football, basketball, volleyball, chess, skiing and light lifting.


Admission requirements:

  Higher school certificate

  Certificate of secondary (complete) general education

  Diploma of primary vocational education

  Six photos size 3х4 cm.

  Admission to the College is carried out without entrance examinations



97,  Michurinast.,

Saratov, Russian Federation


tel/fax 8 (8452) 23–55–30, 23–65–21

Admission office: 8 (8452) 280–260.
